The Measuring Training function in the app will help you ensure that you're measuring correctly and that your thermometer is working as it should.
If you measure incorrectly or if your thermometer isn't working as it should, this can make it more difficult for the algorithm to detect ovulation and lead to more Red Days (NC° Birth Control) or Brown Days (NC° Plan Pregnancy).
When should I do the Measuring Training?
We first recommend doing the Measuring Training when you receive your thermometer.
After that, you can complete Measuring Training any time you want to make sure that your thermometer is working properly. If you have any reason to believe that your thermometer may be faulty, it’s a good idea to complete Measuring Training as a precaution.
Measuring Training can help to detect any issues with your thermometer early and determine if a replacement is needed. This will help prevent large temperature variations so Natural Cycles can detect your ovulation.
Where can I find the Measuring Training in the app?
To find the Measuring Training, go to the menu in the top left corner of the app > My Device > Measuring Training.
To complete the Measuring Training, you'll need to measure your temperature three times in a row and enter the values in the app.
Below, you will find step-by-step instructions with a few tips and tricks:
- Always measure in the same place and the same way for the best results, and make sure you're sitting or lying down and haven't been up and about for the last 20 minutes.
- Put the NC° Thermometer Gen1 far back and under your tongue, and close your mouth tightly – only then click the button to start measuring. Remember to keep your mouth closed during the whole process to avoid cool air affecting the readings.
- Place the NC° Thermometer Gen1 under your tongue again directly after checking the result of your previous reading.
- The thermometer will show you different values every time you measure. This is normal since the body temperature shifts quickly, and the thermometer gets warmer every time you measure. This is why it's important to measure in the same place in your mouth, not only for the Measuring Training but also when measuring every morning.
How to interpret the results of the Measuring Training
When you're done, the app will tell you if the Measuring Training was successful or if something might be wrong with either how you measure or the thermometer itself.
You will get one of the following results:
- Success: The thermometer is working correctly, and you should keep doing what you're doing.
- Uncertain result: You should re-do the Measuring Training. Make sure you follow the instructions and measure correctly and in the same way all three times. The second time you complete this Measuring Training after getting an "uncertain" result, you should either get "success" or "unsuccessful".
- Unsuccessful training: When your temperature shifts more than 0.3°C or 0.54°F between the measurements, something may be up with how you measure. Make sure to follow the above instructions and try again.
- Defective thermometer: The algorithm detected that your thermometer is faulty and should be replaced. The app will take you through the next steps to ensure that you have a working one. If you have any questions about your faulty thermometer, please contact our Customer Care team.