To manage your payment method, visit this link to access the Manage your account section of our website and follow the steps below:
- Log in with your email and password.
- Once in your profile, go to Billing > Payment methods.
- Click on the button Add payment method > Choose another way to pay
- Enter your payment details, and then confirm by pressing the button Add payment method.
- The new payment method will automatically be selected as your preferred payment method, but you can change this by clicking the three dots next to your other methods of payment.
- If needed, you can delete your older payment method by clicking on the three dots next to it and then selecting Remove this payment method
How to change your payment method from your iPhone settings (Apple App Store purchase)
If you have paid for your subscription through the App Store (via your Apple ID/In-App purchases), you will need to change your payment method from your phone settings. You can find Apple's description of how to change your payment method here.