If you don’t want your subscription to renew, you need to cancel it at least 24 hours before the renewal date. Follow the steps below to cancel your subscription:
- Go to the Manage account section of our website.
- Log in with your email and password.
- Once in your profile, go to Billing > Plan > Manage subscription.
- At the bottom of the page, select Cancel current subscription.
- In the popup screen asking you to confirm the cancellation, select Yes, please.
- Next, select the reason for your cancellation and click on Cancel subscription at the bottom of the screen
- Once completed, you will see text confirming that your subscription is canceled and when your paid period ends below your subscription.
How to cancel a subscription purchased from the Apple App Store
If you have paid for your subscription through the App Store (via your Apple ID/In-App purchases), you will need to cancel your subscription from your phone settings. You can find Apple's description on how to view or cancel subscriptions here.
Some things to keep in mind when canceling your subscription
- You need to cancel your subscription at least 24 hours before the renewal date.
- Deleting the Natural Cycles app from your phone won’t cancel your subscription – you need to follow the steps below to stop future payments successfully.
- Canceling a subscription doesn’t retroactively refund already completed subscription payments.
- Previously paid subscription fees won’t be prorated based on your cancellation date.
- If you cancel your subscription, you can still use the app and log data for the remainder of your current paid period. You can see the date your subscription ends in the app under the top menu > My account > Manage subscription.
You can re-activate your subscription at any time, and all your data is saved in your account (note: if your account is inactive for longer than 3 years, all your data will be deleted due to GDPR regulations).