Once you are pregnant, you can switch the app to NC° Follow Pregnancy. The app will guide you through your pregnancy by providing useful and interesting information about the development stages of your baby.
Once you switch to NC° Follow Pregnancy, your data will show in blue in your Today and Graph views to illustrate that you’re pregnant (this will replace the previous colors of green and red that represented your fertility status).
The Today view
In the Today view, you can see how far along you are in your pregnancy. The app will also tell you if you are in your first, second, or third trimester.
In the Today view, you’re also able to see important pregnancy dates, such as the conception date, as well as the due date.
The conception date is the date of your last detected ovulation, as this is when conception occurred (when the sperm cell met the egg cell). Traditionally, conception dates are based on period data; however, since Natural Cycles allows you to know exactly when you ovulate, using the ovulation date gives you the exact date of conception.
The due date is calculated based on your last detected ovulation day. If the app doesn’t have enough data to find ovulation, you can manually edit your due date – we explain how to do this in this article.
In the Today view, you can also access your Cycle Insights, where you will find all the important information about your completed cycles.
The Pregnancy tab
Once you've switched to NC° Follow Pregnancy, you will see an updated Pregnancy tab that includes two sections. The first section focuses on the development of your baby. The second section is about your body and contains relevant information about changes during pregnancy. By default, you will see the current week you are in, but you can also navigate to any of the previous weeks. Every time you enter a new pregnancy week, you will get a notification badge to ensure that you do not miss any new content that is available to read.
For more information on how Natural Cycles counts pregnancy weeks, please have a look at this article.
The Pregnancy tab replaces the Calendar tab that you may have seen in the NC° Plan Pregnancy or NC° Birth Control mode. You can still access the Calendar view via the Today view > See calendar.
Do I need to measure my temperature while using NC° Follow Pregnancy?
The quick answer is no, you don’t need to measure your temperature while using NC° Follow Pregnancy: this is optional, and we write a little more about this here.
The benefits of using NC° Follow Pregnancy
While you don’t have to track your temperature while pregnant, you can still make the most of the NC° app by continuing to track other kinds of symptoms (such as moods, pains, vaginal discharge, skin, or sex drive). This will allow you to keep track of the changes that happen in your body as the pregnancy progresses.
You can learn about the different NC° Follow Pregnancy trackers here.
The app will also send you tailored messages throughout your pregnancy – such as words of encouragement, fun facts, reminders, recommendations, and more! We have included an example below:
For a tour of the app in the NC° Follow Pregnancy mode, click here.
Once you give birth, you’ll have the option of switching to NC° Postpartum, which gives you guidance on the physical and mental recovery of childbirth. You can read more about this here.