What is PCOS?
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a common cycle condition, which is thought to be caused by an imbalance of hormones and often leads to anovulatory cycles.
For more information on what PCOS is, its symptoms, and advice on how to get a diagnosis, head over to our blog post on the subject.
Can I use Natural Cycles with PCOS?
Yes, you can use Natural Cycles if you have PCOS.
Tracking your cycle with Natural Cycles can help you better understand how PCOS affects your unique cycle, including how long it is, how irregular it can be, and when and if you ovulate each cycle. This can be helpful information to bring to your doctor or fertility clinic when discussing the condition.
There are also no changes to Natural Cycles’ effectiveness if you have PCOS. You may, however, experience an increased number of Red Days, which can reduce your satisfaction with Natural Cycles. You can still trust the Green Days you get (in the Today view).
If you are planning a pregnancy, NC° Plan Pregnancy can help you better understand if and when you ovulate each cycle. Based on your data, it will also predict your fertile window as precisely as it can so that you can plan intercourse accordingly.